Baby Minschwaner is a….

Baby Minschwaner Gender Reveal
Did you guess right? We are so excited to have a baby girl in the family. I think we’re still a little in shock too! I fully expected to be a boy family as Dale has a LOT of guys in his family. Of course I wanted a little girl as much as I would have loved finding out it was a little boy! Finding out we were having a little girl was such an amazing surprise for everyone.
When we first found out we were pregnant and told Dean, he told us he was having a baby sister. Turns out he was totally right!

How We Found Out the Gender
I actually took an at-home gender reveal blood test very early in my pregnancy. (I used the SneakPeak DNA test kit – it was extremely easy to use.) The results came back as female and I really did not completely believe it until we confirmed it with our doctor using a blood test at 10 weeks. Our doctor called us with the results while we were on vacation with family in Canada. It was super fun to get to share that news with them in person. Happy tears were definitely shed, although we would have done exactly the same if it was another baby boy. We honestly did NOT have a preference on gender at all. We were (and are) just so excited to be adding another little baby to our family!

Thanks so much for all of your love and for helping us welcome our baby girl! The three of us are very very excited and Dean would live in his “Big Bro” shirt if we’d let him! He is already so proud and happy to be a big brother. And we know he is going to be such a sweet helper.

Baby Girl Nursery Design
If you’ve been waiting to see our baby GIRL’s nursery design, here it is! I may still add a few details but for the most part it is finished. Which means I can officially start washing and putting things away, and finish grabbing the necessities!
We’re all so ready for baby GIRL Minschwaner to get here. And since the holiday season is upon us, we know the last several weeks of my pregnancy are going to fly by!