My Favorite Products for Baby (Age 0-6 months)

Thank you Samantha Kurtz Photography (@samanthakurtz) for your talent!
So, if you follow me on Instagram (@highcottonstylecait) you already know I recently had a baby (in August 2018). Before becoming a mom, I cared for babies and toddlers at a daycare/preschool for almost ten years and am so lucky to have had that experience. It made transitioning to motherhood easier for me, not only because I got some experience with the kiddos, but I also got to learn what products I liked, and don’t like! Making our registry for the baby shower and getting our house prepped was much easier than it would have been without all of that experience, so I’d like to pay it forward.
I’m going to help you choose some of the necessities when it comes to baby. I’m filling you in on my top 10 baby items for ages zero to six months!
My Top 10 Baby Items:

- This Boppy nursing pillow is a must. The reason I love this one is because you can use it for so many things; support for holding the little one (which might make you more comfortable with letting kids or older adults holding), tummy time support, nursing support, and keeping baby propped up after feedings. You will even use it as a support when baby starts practicing sitting up.
- These Copper Pearl burp cloths. I have learned that spending a little extra on the essentials will mean that they’ll last longer. They are so absorbent (and cute too)! I also love the Burts’ Bees burp cloths, and you can easily find those on Amazon.
- Automatic Rock N Play. Okay, the automatic part is not an absolute necessity and one that doesn’t rock itself will be fine too. But we loved putting him in this when he was a newborn and being able to walk away for a little bit. It also comes in handy in case of reflux, a stuffy nose, or cough because they can nap or play propped up a little. Just don’t let them sleep in it all the time- that is not a good habit to create.
- Sit-Me-Up. I prefer this over the popular Bumbo seat because there is more room for chunky thighs. It also requires a little less upper-body control than the Bumbo so you can start “sitting them up” earlier! We used this to feed Dean baby food until he could sit up in a high chair. They also have a version with a tray that you can use for snacks or toys!
- Halo Bassinest. This one is a little bit of a splurge but would be so worth it. We actually got to borrow this from a sweet friend and I would be completely fine with investing in one for our next kid(s). With the adjustable height and the ability to swivel it closer to the bed, it makes getting up with a newborn SO much easier.
- Portable Sound Machine. These get loud enough you really don’t need a big one for their room, and it can go everywhere! Hook it to the car seat or stroller and your baby will be ready to nap whenever and wherever. This will come in clutch.
- This type of swaddle (or something similar) will be SO much easier to deal with in the middle of the night than trying to use a blanket to swaddle. Swaddle blankets are cute, and I think Copper Pearl makes the BEST of them, but you’ll want a swaddle with velcro.
- The Nose Frida. Gross, I know, but I have used those little bulb suctions for years and nothing works better than the Frida. AND the bulb aspirators can grow bacteria inside if it’s not cleaned properly. The Nose Frida is just easier and more sanitary!
- The Windi. Another gross, but completely necessary, item at home if you have a gassy baby. After baby is born, the digestive tract is still developing and learning how to pass gas, and yes, poo. Dean was not colicky but had tons of gas (and poo) and had a hard time with that for a couple of months. The Windi saved us many times from a very upset baby and provided immediate relief! Once he learned how to get all of that out on his own, he was completely fine, but having the Windi was a sanity-saver for us.
- Milk Snob nursing cover. I can remember when Dean was three weeks old being at the Gathering Place in Tulsa and he NEEDED to eat. I didn’t have a bottle with me and was terrified to nurse in public. Thanks to my Milk Snob cover, and some help from my mom getting all set up in a couple of picnic chairs, it was much easier than I anticipated. Not having to worry about flashing someone was a major confidence booster, as I was still trying to adjust to breastfeeding.
There are plenty of things I would splurge on if I had endless amounts of cash buried in our crawlspace or something, but unfortunately for me that’s not the case. Honestly a lot of those “splurge” products are only expensive because they’re pretty and luxurious. In reality the baby isn’t going to care if it’s in a luxurious stroller or the basket of a WalMart grocery cart. However, some things are worth the investment. So, how do you know what to splurge on and what to be realistic with? My answer is you kind of just have to decide on your own what your priorities are as a parent. Think about your lifestyle and what items are worth the extra cash. If you love to camp and hike, invest in a good baby carrier! Just do what’s right for you!

My most important piece of advice on buying/registering for baby products is this: READ THE REVIEWS. There were several items (a highchair in particular) that I was willing to splurge on or register for a more expensive version, until I read the reviews. Don’t just look at the “stars”, make sure you pay attention to what other parents have to say about the products. The convenience, quality, and overall practicality is important when you’re buying something for baby if you want it to last. People who have actually used the product (and may be able to compare them to others) usually know what they’re talking about.
Obviously there are several other must-haves for babies- bathtubs, nail clippers, bottles, etc. And I really should add a baby carrier and stroller to this list, but I figure those are kind of a given. As far as my advice goes for those types of products, read the reviews and decide which one looks like it would best fit with your lifestyle! Good luck!